ideal: existing in idea or thought; conception; intellectual; mental; imaginary standard of excellence; fit for a model; faultless
identical: duplicate; alike; being the exact same one
identification: act of designating or identifying something; condition of having your identity established
identify: detect; find out; discover
identity: exact sameness; distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity
idiom: expression whose meaning differs from meanings of its individual words; distinctive style
idiomatic: having the nature of an idiom; characteristic of a given language
idiot: foolish or stupid person; unlearned, ignorant, or simple person
idle: useless; vain; trifling; unprofitable; thoughtless; given rest and ease; avoiding work or employment; lazy
idol: image used for worship; image of divinity; representation or symbol; false notion or conception
ignite: kindle; cause to start burning; set fire to
ignorance: lack of knowledge or education
ignorant: lacking education or knowledge; unaware
ignore: refuse to pay attention to; disregard; overlook; neglect
illegible: incapable of being read; unclear; not legible
illiterate: uncultured; uneducated; not able to read or write
illuminate: provide or brighten with light; clear up or make understandable; enlighten
illusion: misleading vision; being deceived by a false perception or belief
illusive: deceptive; misleading; based on or having the nature of an illusion
illustrate: represent; demonstrate; depict; clarify, as by use of examples or comparisons
illustration: picture; drawing; showing by example
image: visual representation; representation of a person
imaginary: having existence only in the imagination; fanciful; visionary
imitate: copy the actions, appearance, mannerisms, or speech of; mimic; use or follow as a model
imitation: emulation; copying the actions of someone else
immediate: not deferred by an interval of time; present; occurring at once; instant
immediately: proximately; directly; without interval of time; without delay; promptly; instantly; at once
immense: enormous; boundless; so great as to be beyond measurement
immerse: plunge into anything, especially a fluid; sink; dip
immigrant: one who comes to a country where they were not born in order to settle there; non-native
immigrate: move into another country to stay there permanently
immigration: migration into a place; moving into a place
imminent: near at hand; close in time; about to occur
immoral: not moral; contrary to conscience or the divine law; wicked; unjust; dishonest
immortal: not mortal; exempt from liability to die; undying; imperishable; lasting forever
impact: forceful consequence; strong effect; influencing strongly
impart: reveal or tell; grant a share of; bestow
impartial: not biased; fair; showing lack of favoritism
imperative: having power command or control; critically importance; some duty that is essential and urgent
implement: put into effect; supply with tools
implication: something hinted at or suggested; act of implying; condition of being implied
implore: beg for urgently; make an earnest appeal
imply: express or indicate indirectly; signify
import: bring in from another country
impose: demand; force; compel to behave in a certain way
impractical: unwise to implement or maintain in practice; theoretical
impressive: making a strong or vivid impression; producing a strong effect
imprisonment: confinement; putting someone in prison or in jail as lawful punishment
impulse: act of applying force suddenly; an impelling force or strength
inability: lack of ability, especially mental ability, to do something
inaccessible: unreachable; not available; unattainable
inadequate: not sufficient to meet a need; insufficient; poor
inaugurate: start; initiate; induct into office by formal ceremony
incense: enrage; infuriate; cause to be extremely angry
incentive: something, such as the fear of punishment or the expectation of reward
incident: usually minor event or condition that is subordinate to another; event; happening
incidentally: by chance; accidentally
inclination: preference; tendency; inclined surface; slope
incline: cause to lean, slant, or slope; deviate from the horizontal or vertical
inclined: tending or leaning toward; bent; having preference or tendency
inclusive: tending to include all; taking a great deal or everything within its scope
income: gain from labor, business, property, or capital
incompatible: inharmonious; impossible to coexist; not easy to combine harmoniously
inconsistency: state of being self-contradictory; lack of uniformity or steadiness
inconvenient: not suited to your comfort, purpose or needs
incorporate: combine something into a larger whole; unite
incredible: unbelievable; beyond belief or understanding
incredulous: difficult to believe; incredible; skeptical
increment: process of increasing in number, size, quantity, or extent
incur: bring upon oneself; become liable to; acquire or come into
indebted: morally, socially, or legally obligated to another; under a legal obligation to someone
indefinite: unclear; vague; lacking precise limits
indefinitely: endlessly; incessantly; for a long time, no end defined; forever
indent: nick; set in from margin; impress or stamp
independent: not dependent; free; not subject to control by others; not relying on others
index: anything which shows, indicates, manifests, or discloses; prologue indicating what follows; second digit
indicate: point out; direct to a knowledge of
indicative: suggestive; implying; serving to indicate
indifference: unconcern; disinterest; lack of enthusiasm
indifferent: having no particular interest or concern; being neither good nor bad
indigestion: a disorder of digestive function; difficulty in digesting
indignant: affected with indignation; wrathful; passionate; irate; feeling wrath by unworthy or unjust treatment
indignation: anger aroused by something unjust
indispensable: essential; requisite; impossible to be omitted or remitted
individual: single person or thing; human regarded as a unique personality
induce: persuade; bring about; reason or establish by induction
inducement: act of inducing, or the state of being induced; a motive or consideration that leads one to action or induces one to act
indulge: be complacent toward; give way to; not to oppose or restrain; yield to the desire of
industrial: of or relating to or resulting from industry; having highly developed industries
industrialization: development of industry on an extensive scale
industrialized: made industrial; converted to industrialism
industrious: diligent; hard-working; busy and laborious
inertia: property
of matter by which it tends when at rest to remain so, and when in
motion to continue in motion, and in the same straight line or direction
inevitable: unavoidable; incapable of being avoided or prevented
inevitably: unavoidably; in a manner that is impossible to avoid or prevent
infant: child in the first period of life; young babe
infantry: body of children; a body of soldiers serving on foot; foot soldiers
infect: bring into contact with a substance that can cause illness
infection: moral corruption or contamination; invasion of body which can lead to tissue damage and disease
infectious: contagious; contaminating
infer: deduce; conclude from evidence or premises; lead to as a consequence or conclusion
inference: inferring
by deduction or induction; truth or proposition drawn from another
which is admitted or supposed to be true; conclusion; deduction
inferior: poor; lower than a given reference point; low or lower in order, degree, or rank
inferiority: state of being lower than or not as good as
infinite: unlimited or boundless, in time or space; without limit in power, capacity, knowledge, or excellence
infinity: unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity; eternity; boundlessness; immensity
inflation: general increase in the prices of goods and services in a country
inflict: impose something unpleasant; cause
influence: power affecting person or thing; effect of one thing on another; flowing in or upon; influx
influential: important; powerful; having or exercising influence or power
influenza: an acute febrile highly contagious viral disease
inform: impart information to; make aware of something; be a pervasive presence in; animate
informal: absence of ceremony; casual
informative: instructive; illustrative; providing or conveying information
infringe: act contrary to, as a law, right, or obligation; annul or hinder
ingenious: clever; having inventive or cunning mind
ingenuity: quality or power of ready invention; quickness or acuteness in forming new combinations
inhabit: live in; occupy; reside in
inhabitant: resident; someone or thing who lives in a place
inherent: firmly established by nature or habit
inherit: receive from an ancestor by legal succession or will; receive by bequest or as a legacy
initial: early; preliminary; occurring at the beginning
initially: in the beginning; at first
initiate: begin; originate; admit into membership
initiative: serving to initiate; introductory step or movement; act which originates or begins
inject: put in; infuse ; force or drive fluid into something
injure: do harm to; inflict damage; do injustice to
injury: any physical damage to body caused by violence or accident or fracture
injustice: unjust act; practice of being unjust or unfair
inland: within the land; more or less remote from the ocean or from open water; interior
innocent: naive; lacking sense or awareness; free from evil or guilt
innovate: change or alter by bringing in something new
innovation: introduction of something new
innumerable: countless; numerous
inquire: ask a question; seek for truth or information by putting queries
inquiry: investigation; search for knowledge
insane: exhibiting disordered of mind; deranged in mind; very foolish
insert: input; enter; put or set into, between, or among
insider: an accepted member of a group; one who has special knowledge or access to confidential information
insight: understanding; grasping the inner nature of things intuitively
insignificant: not large enough to consider or notice; lacking in importance; trivial
insist: stand or rest; find support; take a stand and refuse to give way; be persistent
insolvent: bankrupt; unable to repay one's debts
inspect: look over; examine carefully and critically, especially for flaws
inspection: formal or official examination
inspector: high ranking police officer; investigator who observes carefully
inspiration: sudden intuition as part of solving a problem; arousing to a particular emotion or action
inspire: encourage; inspirit; fire the imagination of
install: set up; connect or set in position and prepare for use
installation: act
of installing or giving possession of an office, rank, or order, with
the usual rites or ceremonies; the whole of a system of machines,
apparatus, and accessories
installment: monthly payment; a part of a published serial
instance: example that is cited to prove a contention or illustrate a point; case or occurrence
instinct: inborn pattern of behavior ; nature
instinctive: unthinking; prompted by instinct; spontaneous
institute: advance or set forth in court; association organized to promote art or science or education
institution: institute; organization; introducing something new
instruct: teach; make aware of
instruction: direction; teaching; activities of educating or instructing
instructive: serving to instruct of enlighten or inform; enlightening
instrument: tool; one used by another to accomplish a purpose; device used to produce music; legal document
instrumental: serving or acting as a means or aid; helpful; relating to musical instruments
insufficient: of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement
insulate: make
an island of; place in a detached situation, or in a state having no
communication with surrounding objects; isolate; separate
insulation: act of insulating; separation; state of being detached, from other objects
insult: offend; affront; treat, mention, or speak to rudely
insurance: protection against future loss; act, business, or system of insuring
insure: make sure or secure, specifically against loss by a contingent event; give or take insurance on
intangible: not able to be perceived by senses, as touch; vague
integral: essential or necessary for completeness; entire
integrate: make whole; combine; make into one unit
integrity: quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness
intellect: ability to learn and reason; ability to think abstractly or profoundly
intellectual: of intellect; showing intellect; requiring the use of the mind, rather than emotions or instinct
intelligence: ability to comprehend; understand and profit from experience; intellect; power of cognition
intelligent: ingenious; wise; bright; having a high degree of intelligence; mentally acute
intense: extreme; acute; in an extreme degree
intensive: thorough; concentrated; tending to give force or emphasis
intent: something that is intended; aim or purpose
intention: motive; with respect to marriage; aim that guides action
interact: interplay; act together or towards others or with
interaction: communication; a mutual or reciprocal action; interacting
interest: attention; curiosity; dividend; yield
interfere: disrupt; hinder; be or create a hindrance or obstacle
interference: obstruction; prevention; act or an instance of hindering, obstructing, or impeding
interior: inside; inner part; internal; inner
intermediate: middle; lying between two extremes
internal: inside; interior; located within the limits or surface
interpret: explain or tell the meaning of; translate orally; decipher
interpretation: explanation; performer's distinctive personal version of a song, dance, piece of music
interrupt: terminate; make a break in
interval: pause; break; space between two objects, points, or units
intervene: get involved; come, appear, or lie between two things
intimate: give to understand; imply as a possibility; make known subtly and indirectly
intrude: trespass; enter as an uninvited person
inundate: overwhelm; cover with water, especially floodwaters
invade: move into; intrude; enter by force in order to conquer or pillage
invader: one who invades; assailant; encroacher; intruder
invalid: of no force or weight; not valid; weak; void; null
invalidate: make invalid; nullify; destroy
invaluable: valuable under estimation; inestimable; priceless
invariably: constantly; always
invasion: raid; attack; act of invading, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer
inverse: opposite; reversed in order, nature, or effect; turned upside down
invest: put
clothe on, as with office or authority; place in possession of rank,
dignity, or estate; endow; lay out money or capital in business
investigate: explore; observe or inquire into in detail; examine systematically
investigation: detailed inquiry or systematic examination; inquiry
invisible: incapable of being seen; impossible or nearly impossible to see
invoice: bill; commercial document issued by seller to buyer indicating the products, quantities and prices
involve: wind round; connect with something; include necessarily; engage thoroughly
irony: expression by deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning; witty language used to insult
irregular: contrary to rule or accepted order or general practice; inconstant
irresistible: overwhelming; tempting; charming
irrespective: without regard for conditions, circumstances, or consequences; unbiased; independent
irrevocable: unalterable; irreversible; impossible to retract or revoke
irrigate: supply land with water artificially; clean a wound with a fluid
irrigation: supplying water to the land to help crops grow
irritate: rouse to impatience or anger; annoy; provoke
isolate: seclude; set apart or cut off from others
isolation: separation; detachment; quality or condition of being isolated
issue: subject; topic; problem; edition; publication; release; publish
item: a whole individual unit; a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group
ivory: teeth of elephant
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