Friday, 6 December 2013

IELTS Academic Word List 15

ack: bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer's purchases; enclosed space

sacred: concerned with religion; worthy of respect or dedication

sacrifice: offering of something to god; victim offered to god; surrender or loss of profit for higher object

saddle: load or burden; put harness onto animal's back to ride

sag: sink, in the middle, by its weight or under applied pressure, below a horizontal line or plane

sake: purpose; reason for wanting something done

salmon: several species of fish of the Salmonidae family; reddish yellow or orange color, like the flesh of the salmon

salute: give a sign of good will; compliment by an act or ceremony, as a kiss, a bow; honor

sample: small part of something intended as representative of the whole

sandy: loose and large-grained in consistency

sanitary: relating to health or the protection of health

sarcasm: cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound; stinging rebuke; form of humor by mocking with irony

sarcastic: ironic; expressing or expressive of ridicule that wounds

satellite: small body revolving around a larger one; subordinate

satire: form of literature in which irony and ridicule are used to attack human vice and folly

satisfaction: fulfillment or gratification of a desire, need, or appetite; source or means of gratification

satisfactory: acceptable; passable

sauce: stewed fruit served with other foods; appetizing ingredients for meat, fish or puddings

saucer: dish; small shallow dish having a slight circular depression in the center for holding a cup

savage: in a state of nature; wild; untamed; uncultivated; inhuman; brutal; not civilized; lacking polish; rude

save: rescue; preserve; make unnecessary; set aside for future use

savings: resources; money saved

scale: climb up or over; alter according to a standard; estimate or measure; remove in layers

scan: make a wide, sweeping search of; examine

scandal: publicized incident that brings about disgrace; damage to reputation by disclosure of improper behavior

scar: mark of damage; mark left on the skin after injury

scarce: hard to find; absent or rare; limited

scarcely: hardly; barely; only just

scare: frighten; alarm; strike with sudden fear

scarf: long piece of cloth worn about the head, neck, or shoulders

scarlet: bright red

scatter: sprinkle; disseminate; cause to separate and go in different directions

scene: structure on which something is shown; part of theater where the acting is done; place, time, or circumstance in which anything occurs

scenery: landscape; view; view or views of natural features, especially in open country

scenic: constituting or affording pleasing views of natural features; beautiful

scent: distinctive odor that is pleasant; fragrance; perfume

schedule: plan for an activity or event; arrange

scheme: elaborate and systematic plan of action; chart or outline of a system or object

scholar: professor; a learned person

scholarship: knowledge resulting from study and research; grant of financial aid awarded to student

scissors: edge tool having two crossed pivoting blades

scoff: mock; ridicule; show or express scorn; eat quickly and greedily

scold: find fault or rail with rude clamor; utter harsh, rude, boisterous rebuke

scope: range of one's perceptions, thoughts, or actions; extent; bound

scorch: burn superficially; parch, or shrivel, the surface of, by heat; affect painfully with heat; burn

score: act of getting point in a game or sport; facts about an actual situation

scorn: extreme and lofty contempt; haughty disregard

scotch: put an abrupt end to; block to prevent rolling or slipping

scout: find paths through unexplored territory

scramble: unceremonious and disorganized struggle; rushing about hastily in an undignified way

scrap: small piece or bit; fragment; fragment; leftover bits of food; remnant

scrape: gather something together over time; scratch repeatedly

scratch: cut the surface of; cause friction

screen: surface where pictures can be projected for viewing ; examine; test

screw: cause to penetrate with a circular motion; fastener with shank and slotted head

screwdriver: a hand tool for driving screws

script: prepare text for filming or broadcasting

scrub: rub hard; wash with rubbing

scrutiny: close examination; minute inspection; critical observation.

sculptor: artist who creates sculptures

sculpture: statue; creating figures or designs in three dimensions

seal: middle size aquatic mammal; stamp used for authentication or security

seam: line of junction formed by sewing together two pieces; line across a surface, as a crack; scar

seaport: sheltered port where ships can take on or discharge cargo

seashore: coast; beach; the shore of a sea or ocean

seasonal: occurring at or dependent on a particular season

secondary: not of major importance; of second rank or importance or value; not direct or immediate

secret: something studiously concealed; a thing kept from general knowledge

section: one of several parts; pieces that fit with others to constitute a whole object

sector: particular aspect of life or activity; body of people who form part of society or economy

secure: free from fear, care, or anxiety; not have reason to doubt

security: freedom from risk or danger; safety

seek: make an effort to; try to get; try to discover

seemingly: apparently; supposedly

segment: sector; portion; any of the parts into which something can be divided

select: taken from a number by preference; picked out as more valuable or excellent than others; of special value or excellence

selection: choice; variety; collection

senator: a member of a senate; a member of the king's council; a king's councilor

sensation: feeling; perception associated with stimulation of a sense organ or with a specific body condition

sensational: arousing or intended to arouse strong curiosity, interest, or reaction

sense: faculty through which to know external world; feeling produced by stimulus

sensible: able to feel or perceive; perceivable; wise; showing reason or sound judgment

sensitive: able to feel; responsive to external conditions; susceptible to attitudes of others

sensitivity: sense; acuteness; capacity of an organ or organism to respond to stimulation

sentence: final judgment of guilty in criminal case and punishment that is imposed

sentiment: thought prompted by passion or feeling; feeling toward or respecting some person or thing; disposition prompting to action or expression

sentimental: emotional; Resulting from emotion rather than reason or realism

separate: set or keep apart; disunite; divide; disconnect

sequence: serial arrangement in which things follow in logical order or a recurrent pattern

serene: completely clear and fine

serenity: calmness of mind; quietness; stillness; peace

series: a number of things or events standing or succeeding in order; sequence

serious: grave in manner or disposition; earnest; thoughtful; solemn; really intending what is said

seriously: in a serious or literal manner; gravely; solemnly; in earnest; without levity

session: meeting devoted to a particular activity; time for school to hold classes

setting: context and environment in which something is set

settle: take up residence; form a community; come to rest; bring to an end; fix firmly

severe: serious in feeling or manner; not light, lively, or cheerful

shabby: torn or worn to rage; poor; mean; ragged

shade: a slight amount or degree of difference; shadow; protective covering that protects something from direct sunlight

shaft: axes; vertical passage into a mine; long narrow stem or body of a spear or arrow

shallow: lacking physical depth; not deep or strong

sham: pretend; put on false appearance of; feign

sharpen: make pointed; make sharp or sharper

sharply: steeply; changing suddenly in direction and degree; acutely

shatter: destroy; break up; break into many pieces

shave: act of removing hair with a razor; thin slice or scraping

shear: cut or clip hair; strip of something; remove by cutting or clipping

shed: get rid of ; cast off; cause to pour forth

sheer: very thin or transparent; very steep; absolute or pure

sheet: bed linen consisting of a large rectangular piece; any broad thin surface

shell: ammunition consisting of a cylindrical metal casing containing an explosive charge; usually hard outer covering that encases certain organism

shelter: structure that provides privacy and protection from danger

shepherd: a herder of sheep; someone who keeps the sheep together in a flock

sheriff: chief officer of a shire or county, to whom is entrusted the execution of the laws

shield: protective covering or structure; protect; guard

shift: moving from one setting or context to another; moving very slightly

shine: emit rays of light; give light; beam with steady radiance; exhibit brightness or splendor

shiny: reflecting light; radiant; bright from reflected light

shipment: sending of cargo; act of sending off something

shipwreck: destruction of a ship, as by storm or collision; complete failure or ruin

shiver: shake with or as if with cold; tremble; break into fragments or splinters

shock: unpleasant or disappointing surprise; surprise greatly; effect of such a collision or blow

short: not long; unwilling to endure; inadequate or insufficient; most direct; lasting a brief time

shortcut: a direct route; a route shorter than the usual one

shot: photographic view or exposure

shove: drive along by the direct and continuous application of strength; push along, aside, or away, in a careless manner

shovel: tool consisting of a broad scoop, or hollow blade, with a handle, used for lifting and throwing loose substances

shower: one who shows or exhibits; brief fall of precipitation, such as rain, hail; bath in which the water is sprayed

shrewd: clever; characterized by keen awareness, sharp intelligence

shriek: sharp, shrill outcry or scream; shrill wild cry such as is caused by sudden or extreme terror, pain, or the like

shrill: acute; sharp; piercing; having or emitting a sharp, piercing tone or sound

shrine: case or box, especially one in which are deposited sacred relics, as the bones of a saint; sacred place, as altar or tomb

shrink: become smaller or draw together; compress

shroud: hide from view; wrap for burial; shut off from sight; shelter

shrub: bush

shrug: draw up or contract the shoulders, especially by way of expressing dislike, dread, doubt, or the like

shuffle: disorder; move back and forth; mix so as to make a random order or arrangement

shun: avoid deliberately; keep away from

shutter: a hinged blind for a window

shuttle: public transport that consists of a bus or train or airplane that run between two points; spacecraft

shy: timid; bashful; easily startled; distrustful

sick: affected with disease of any kind; ill; indisposed; not in health

sickness: state that precedes vomiting; disease

sideways: with the side forward; to or from a side

siege: seat, especially a royal seat; throne; rank; grade; sitting before a fortified place; surrounding or investing of a place by army

sieve: a utensil for separating the finer and coarser parts; a kind of coarse basket

sift: separate with a sieve, as the fine part of a substance from the course; examine critically or minutely; scrutinize

sigh: inhale a larger quantity of air than usual, and immediately expel it; make a deep single audible respiration, especially to express fatigue, exhaustion, grief, or sorrow

sightseeing: act or pastime of visiting sights of interest

sign: public display of message; visible mark or indication

signal: a sign made for the purpose of giving notice to a person

signature: name written in own handwriting

significance: message that is intended or expressed or signified; meaning

significant: fairly large; important in effect or meaning

signify: denote; mean; indicate

silly: exhibiting a lack of wisdom or good sense; foolish; stupid

similar: nearly corresponding; somewhat like; having a general likeness

simplicity: easiness; plainness; absence of luxury or showiness; lack of good sense or intelligence; foolishness

simplify: make simple; make less complex; make clear by giving the explanation for

simulate: make a pretence of; reproduce someone's behavior or looks

simultaneous: existing, happening, or done at the same time

sincere: open and genuine; not deceitful; pure; unmixed

single: one only; consisting of one alone; alone; having no companion

singular: unique; extraordinary; being only one

sink: fall by, force of gravity; descend lower; decline gradually; enter deeply

siren: electronic device producing a similar sound as a signal or warning; something insidious or deceptive; mermaid

site: physical position in relation to the surroundings; position; location

skeleton: framework; internal supporting structure that gives an artifact its shape

sketch: draw or describe briefly; give the main points; summary of

skim: pass near surface of; brush surface of; glide swiftly along surface of; read or examine superficially and rapidly, in order to cull the principal facts or thoughts

skip: jump lightly; hop; bypass

skirmish: minor battle in war; minor or preliminary conflict or dispute

skull: bony skeleton of the head of vertebrates

skyrocket: increase rapidly; rise quickly; soar

skyscraper: very tall building with many stories

slack: area of still water; lack of tension; cord, rope, or cable that is hanging loosely; unused capacity; casual trousers

slam: shut with force and a loud noise; strike with force

slander: defamation; false and malicious statement or report about someone

slap: sharp blow from a flat object as an open hand; smack; sharp insult

slaughter: act of killing; extensive, violent, bloody, or wanton destruction of life; carnage

slay: put to death with a weapon, or by violence; kill; put an end to; destroy; overwhelm, as with laughter or love

slender: having little width in proportion to height or length; long and thin

slice: a serving that has been cut from a larger portion; piece; a share of something

slide: slip; move usually in an uncontrolled manner; move smoothly along a surface

slight: almost no; very little; deliberate discourtesy

slightly: a little; a bit

slim: small in quantity; being of delicate or slender build

slip: move smoothly and easily; move out of position; move stealthily

slipper: low footwear that can be on and off easily; one who slips or slides because of loss of traction

slippery: smooth; being such as to cause things to slip or slide

slit: long, straight, narrow cut or opening; slot; pocket

slogan: phrase used repeatedly, as in advertising or promotion

slope: be at an angle; incline; gradient

slum: a district of a city marked by poverty and inferior living conditions

slumber: sleep; state of inactivity or dormancy

slump: sudden falling off or decline, as in activity, prices, or business; gross amount; mass

smart: clever; intelligent; showing mental alertness and calculation

smash: break in pieces by violence; dash to pieces; crush

smog: air pollution by a mixture of smoke and fog

smooth: free from obstructions; make surface shine

smoothly: in a smooth manner; successfully; easily

smuggle: import or export without paying customs duties

snack: eat light informal meal; eat lightly

snap: make a sharp sound; break suddenly as under tension; utter in angry or sharp tone

snatch: grasp or seize hastily, eagerly, or suddenly

sneak: creep or steal privately; come or go meanly, as a person afraid or ashamed to be seen

sneer: show contempt by turning up the nose, or by a particular facial expression; speak derisively; show mirth awkwardly

snob: vulgar person who affects to be better, richer, or more fashionable, than he really is; one who apes his superiors.

snobbish: of or pertaining to a snob; vulgarly pretentious

soak: cause or suffer to lie in a fluid; absorb; drain; drink intemperately or gluttonously

soar: fly aloft, as a bird; mount upward on wings; rise in thought, spirits, or imagination

sober: not extreme; marked by seriousness or gravity; not affected by use of drugs; self-restraint

sociable: gregarious; friendly; inclined to or conducive to companionship with others

sociology: branch of philosophy which treats of the constitution, phenomena, and development of human society; social science

sock: plowshare; short stocking reaching a point between ankle and knee; hard blow or punch; comic drama

soil: material in the surface of the earth

solar: of or relating to the sun

soldier: one who is engaged in military service as an officer or a private; one who serves in an army

sole: bottom; underside of foot or shoe or boot; bottom surface of a plow

solely: alone; only; without another

solemn: serious; somber; deeply earnest, serious, and sober

solicitor: petitioner who seeks contributions or trade or votes; chief law officer of a city, town, or government department

solidarity: union of interests, purposes, or sympathies among members of a group; accord

solitary: isolated; existing, living, or going without others; alone; unaccompanied

solitude: state of being alone; seclusion; lonely or secluded place

solo: composed or performed by a single voice or instrument; unaccompanied; single

solution: method for solving a problem; successful action of solving a problem

solvent: able to pay all debts; capable of meeting financial obligations

somehow: in one way or another; in some way not yet known; by some means

somewhat: to some extent or degree; rather; a bit; slightly

soothe: cause to feel better; give moral or emotional strength to

sophisticated: wide-ranging knowledge; complex; intellectually appealing

sophistication: being expert or having knowledge of some technical subject

sore: skin infection; hurting; inflamed and painful; source of pain, distress, or irritation

sort: kind or species; a class of;

sound: sensation perceived by the ear; distinctive noise; long narrow inlet

sour: taste experience when vinegar or lemon juice; showing ill humor

source: point of origin, such as spring, of stream or river; one that causes, creates, or initiates

souvenir: token of remembrance; memento; something of sentimental value

sovereign: having supreme rank or power; self governing; excellent; independent

sovereignty: autonomy; independence

sow: plant; place seeds in or on

soy: soybean; most highly protein vegetable

spacecraft: a vehicle for travelling in space

spaceship: spacecraft designed to carry a crew into interstellar space

spacious: wide; generous or large in area or extent; sizable

span: duration; distance; cover; extent or measure of space between two points

spare: give up what is not strictly needed; hold back from; withhold or avoid; save or relieve from action

spark: flash; sparkle; emit or produce sparks

sparkle: be brilliant in performance; give off or reflect flashes of light; glitter

sparrow: any of several small dull-colored singing birds feeding on seeds or insects

spatial: relating to space; existing in or connected with space

spear: a long, pointed weapon, used in war and hunting, by thrusting or throwing

specialize: mention specially; particularize; apply to some specialty or limited object

specialized: developed or designed for a special activity or function

species: a specific kind of something

specific: stated explicitly or in detail; definite

specification: instruction; description; act of specifying, or making a detailed statement

specify: detail; designate

specimen: model; sample; an example regarded as typical of its class

spectacle: demonstration; show

spectacular: impressive or sensational; lavishly produced performance; grand

spectator: observer; audience; one who looks on

spectrum: colored band produced when beam of light passes through a prism; a range of values

speculate: assume to be true without conclusive evidence; engage in buying or selling of a commodity for profit

speculation: speculating; examination by eye; intellectual check; business venture in unusual risks, with a chance for large profits

speedy: fast; rapid; accomplished or arrived at without delay; prompt

spell: name or write in order the letters constituting; add up to; signify

sphere: ball; globe; a particular aspect of life or activity

spill: pour; sudden drop from an upright position; flow or run out

spin: turn round rapidly; move round rapidly; move swiftly

spiral: rotary; curled; moving in a zigzag course; moving in shape of a coil

spiritual: not tangible or material; belonging to religion; sacred; supernatural

spit: expel or eject from the mouth; rain gently

spite: ill-will or hatred toward another, accompanied with the disposition to irritate, annoy, or thwart

splash: cause fluid to scatter in flying masses; strike and dash about, as water, mud

splendid: shining; very bright; magnificent; brilliant

split: break apart; cut; devide

spoil: go bad; rot; decay; become unfit for consumption or use

spokesman: one who speaks for another

sponge: soaking up; small absorbent contraceptive pad, used for bathing or cleaning

sponsor: one who binds himself to answer for another, and is responsible for his default; godfather or godmother

spontaneous: arising without external cause; growing without cultivation or human labor

spoon: a piece of cutlery with a shallow bowl-shaped container and a handle

sport: activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively

spot: location; place; site; pinpoint; mark to allow easy recognition

sprain: violent wrenching of the soft parts surrounding a joint; injury caused by pushing or pressing; painful injury to a joint caused by a sudden wrenching of its ligaments

spray: a quantity of small objects flying through air

spring: develop suddenly; jump; move forward by leaps and bounds

sprout: have new growth of a plant such as a new branch or a bud; shoot up

spur: urge a horse; incite or stimulate; ride quickly by spurring a horse; proceed in haste

square: be compatible with; cause to match; cut to rectangular shape; bring into agreement or balance; settle

squash: a game played in an enclosed court by two or four players who strike the ball with long-handled rackets; crush; press; depress

squat: stocky; short and thick; low and broad

squeeze: force something into or through a restricted space; compress with violence

squirrel:  a kind of arboreal rodent having a long bushy tail

stab: pierce with a pointed weapon; wound or kill by pointed instrument

stability: balance; constancy

stable: not easily moved or disturbed

stack: an orderly pile; heap; a large number ; arrange in pile

stadium: large, usually open structure for sports events with tiered seating for spectators

staff: personnel who assist superior to carry out assigned task

stagger: sway; walk as if unable to control one's movements

stain: soiled or discolored; symbol of disgrace or infamy; natural spot of a color different from the gound

staircase: a way of access consisting of a set of steps

stake: money risked on gamble; pole set up to mark something; right or legal share of something

stale: having lost freshness; lacking originality or spontaneity

stalk: go through an area in search of prey; pursue; walk with a stiff or angry gait; move threateningly

stall: small area set off by walls for special use; booth

stammer: make involuntary stops in uttering syllables or words; hesitate or falter in speaking; speak with stops and difficulty

standard: criteria; basis for comparison

standardize: normalize; cause to conform to a standard

standing: high reputation; esteem; maintaining an erect position

standpoint: a mental position from which things are viewed

staple: necessary foods or commodities; basic elements; secure or fasten; a short U-shaped wire nail for securing cables

stapler: one who deals in staple goods or staple fibers; device used to bind material together by means of staples

startle: move suddenly, or be excited; excite by sudden alarm, surprise

starvation: act of depriving of food or subjecting to famine

starve: hunger; deprive of food

statesman: one occupied with the affairs of government, and influential in shaping policy

static: having no motion; being at rest; fixed; stationary

stationary: fixed; immobile; static; not capable of being moved

stationery: paper cut to right size for writing letters; writing materials and office supplies

statistics: a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data

statue: sculpture representing a human or animal

status: position relative to others; standing

statute: law enacted by legislature; decree or edict, as of a ruler

steady: securely in position; not shaky; not easily excited

steak: slice of meat, typically beef, usually cut thick

steamer: vessel propelled by steam; steamship or steamboat; road locomotive for use on common roads

steep: soak; make thoroughly wet

steer: drive; direct; guide by means of a device such as a rudder, paddle, or wheel

stem: stop flow of a liquid; make headway against

stereo: stereophonic sound-reproduction system

sterling: any English coin of standard value; coined money

stern: hard, harsh, or severe in manner or character; firm or unyielding

steward: man employed in a large family, a large estate, a hotel, a club, or on board a ship to manage service

stick: fasten into place by fixing an end; be a follower or supporter

sticky: glutinous; adhesive; covered with an adhesive agent; humid; stiff

stiff: not moving or operating freely; lacking ease in bending; resistant

stimulate: encourage; motivate; arouse; spur; excite or invigorate with a stimulant

stimulation: arousing an organism to action

sting: pierce painfully with sharp pointed structure or organ; cause to suffer keenly in the mind or feelings

stink: strong, offensive smell; disgusting odor; stench

stipulate: specify or arrange in agreement; express demand in agreement; promise in agreement

stipulation: provision; an agreement made by parties in a judicial proceeding

stitch: sew; knit; fasten or join with or as if with thread

stock: certificate for shareholder of corporation; total amount of goods in a shop

stomach: principal organ of digestion; abdomen or belly; appetite for food; desire, especially for something difficult

stoop: bend forward and down from the waist or the middle of the back

storey: story

stout: dependable; stocky; euphemisms for fat

straightforward: proceeding in a straight course or manner; not deviating; honest; frank.

strain: group of organisms within a species; tension; pressure

strait: difficult; stressful; narrow; not broad; tight; close; closely fitting

strand: complex of fibers that twisted together to form a cable, rope, thread; land bordering a body of water; single filament

strap: belt; band that goes over the shoulder and supports a garment or bag

strategic: important or essential in relation to a plan of action; essential to the effective conduct of war; highly important to an intended objective

strategy: elaborate and systematic plan; plan of action intended to accomplish a specific goal

streak: a line or long mark of a different color from the ground; stripe; vein

strengthen: reinforce; fortify; make strong or increase the strength of

stress: put special emphasis on; utter with an accent; state of extreme difficulty, pressure, or strain

stretch: extend; pull in opposite directions; lie down comfortably

stride: step; pace; significant progress

strife: act of striving; earnest endeavor; exertion or contention for superiority; contest of emulation, either by intellectual or physical efforts

strike: a group's refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions

striking: dramatic; outstanding; arresting attention and producing a vivid impression

string: lightweight cord; a collection of objects threaded on a single strand; plant fiber

strip: remove the surface from

stripe: a kind or category; band; ribbon

strive: endeavor; struggle or fight forcefully; exert much effort or energy

stroke: blow; light touch; sudden loss of consciousness for brain blood vessel lacking oxygen

stroll: wander on foot; ramble idly or leisurely

structural: of structure; affecting structure; constructional

structure: complex construction or entity; complex composition of knowledge

stubborn: unreasonably, often perversely unyielding; persistent; difficult to treat

studio: workplace for the teaching or practice of an art

stuff: unspecified objects; tangible substance

stuffy: stout; lacking sufficient ventilation; close; dull and boring

stumble: miss a step and fall or nearly fall; walk unsteadily

sturdy: robust; strong; substantially made or constructed

style: particular kind; a way of expressing something

subdue: quiet or bring under control by physical force or persuasion; make less intense; tone down

subject: something to be treated; course or area of study

subjective: occurring or taking place in person's mind rather than external world; unreal

submarine: submersible warship; move forward or under in a sliding motion; underwater

submerge: sink; immerse; put under water

submit: refer for judgment or consideration; hand in; present

subordinate: occupying lower rank; inferior; submissive

subscribe: write underneath, as one's name; sign to a document; give consent to; promise to give, by writing one's name with the amount

subsequent: following in time or order; succeeding; later

subsequently: in a subsequent manner; at a later time; accordingly; therefore

subsidiary: subordinate; secondary; serving to assist or supplement

substantial: fairly large; in essentials; material; true or real; not imaginary; solidly built

substantiate: establish by evidence; make firm or solid; support

substitute: exchange; put in the place of another

subtle: slight; be difficult to detect or grasp by the mind

subtract: remove a part from the whole

subtraction: reduction; deduction; removing a part from the whole

suburb: outskirts; usually residential area or community outlying a city

succession: act of succeeding, or following after; following of things in order of time or place, or a series of things so following; sequence

successive: consecutive

successor: one who or that which succeeds or follows; one who takes the place which another has left

suck: draw liquid into mouth; take in; draw something by vacuum

suffice: be enough, or sufficient; meet the need; be equal to the end proposed; be adequate; satisfy

sufficient: adequate; enough; being as much as is needed

suit: meet the requirements of; fit; please; satisfy

suitable: appropriate to a purpose or an occasion

suitcase: portable rectangular traveling bag for carrying clothes

suite: apartment consisting of a series of connected rooms; a matching set of furniture

sullen: lonely; solitary; desolate; gloomy; dismal; affected with ill humor

sultry: burning hot; extremely and unpleasantly hot

sum: mount or whole of any number of individuals or particulars added together; principal points or thoughts when viewed together; amount

summary: brief statement that presents the main points

summit: utmost height; highest point of a mountain

summon: call, bid, or cite; notify to come to appear; call upon to surrender

sunburn: redness of the skin caused by exposure to the rays of the sun

sunflower: plant having large flower heads with dark disk florets and showy yellow rays

sunlight: rays of the sun

sunrise: daily event of the sun rising above the horizon

sunset: daily event of the sun sinking below the horizon

sunshine: moderate weather; suitable for outdoor activities; the rays of the sun

superb: of unusually high quality; excellent; wonderful

superficial: trivial; of little substance; involving a surface only

superintendent: director; person who has the authority to supervise or direct; janitor or custodian in a building

superior: greater rank or station or quality; excellent

supersede: be placed in or take the room of; replace; make obsolete; make void or useless by superior power

supersonic: having, caused by, or relating to speed greater than the speed of sound

superstition: excessive reverence for, or fear of, that which is unknown or mysterious; worship of a false god; false religion

supervise: administer; direct

supervision: management by overseeing the performance

supervisor: director; overseer; one who is in charge of a particular unit, as in government or school system

supplement: add as something seems insufficient; complement; extension; addition

supplementary: added to complete or make up a deficiency

suppose: imagine or admit to exist; assume to be true; believe; receive as true

suppress: put down by force or authority; overwhelm; keep from being revealed

supreme: most outstanding; highest; superior

surcharge: an additional charge; charge an extra fee

surface: exterior part of anything that has length and breadth; outside; outward or external appearance

surge: outburst; roll or be tossed about on waves, as a boat

surgeon: one who performs manual operations on a patient

surgery: medical treatment that involves cutting open a person's body

surmise: guess; infer something without sufficiently conclusive evidence

surpass: be or go beyond, as in degree or quality; exceed

surplus: remainder; more than is needed; quantity much larger than is needed; remaining

surrender: hand over, give up, give something into another's control

survey: poll; detailed critical inspection

survival: existence; remaining alive

survive: continue to live; endure or last

survivor: one who outlives another; one who lives through affliction

suspect: have doubts about; distrust

suspend: hang freely; postpone; delay

suspense: uncertain cognitive state; uncertainty

suspicion: mistrust; act of suspecting something, especially something wrong, on little evidence or without proof

suspicious: openly distrustful and unwilling to confide; questionable

sustain: admit as valid; keep in existence; lengthen or extend in duration or space

swallow: take back what one has said ; enclose or envelop completely

swamp: low land that is seasonally flooded; low land region saturated with water

swarm: dense moving crowd; large group of honeybees

sway: swing; move back and forth or sideways; win approval or support for; convince

swear: affirm or utter a solemn declaration; make promise or resolve on oath

sweater: knitted garment covering the upper part of the body

sweep: movement in an arc; clean with a broom; wide scope; winning all

swell: bulge; expand abnormally; increase in size; become filled with pride or anger

swift: quick; moving or capable of moving with great speed

swing: sway or move from one side to another; turn round by wind or tide; be hanged

syllable: a unit of spoken language larger than a phoneme

symbol: sign; something visible to represent something else invisible

symbolize: represent; signify; stand for

symmetry: arrangement of parts so that balance is obtained; congruity

sympathetic: expressing compassion or friendly fellow feelings; approving; having similar disposition and tastes

sympathize: be understanding of; feel or express sympathy or compassion

sympathy: compassion; pity; concern

symphony: large orchestra; harmony, especially of sound or color

symposium: collection of writings on a particular topic, as in a magazine; meeting or conference for discussion of a topic; drinking together; merry feast

symptom: sign; indication; any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient

synonym: two words that can be interchanged in a context

synthesis: combining parts into a coherent whole; putting of two or more things togethe

synthetic: artificial; involving or of the nature of synthesis as opposed to analysis

system: organized structure for arranging or classifying

systematic: ordered; methodical; carried on using step-by-step procedures

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