eager: avid; enthusiastic
earnest: seriousness; reality; fixed determination; eagerness; intentness
earthquake: quake from underground; disturbance that is extremely disruptive; temblor
ease: satisfaction; pleasure; entertainment; freedom from care
eccentric: departing from a recognized, conventional, or established norm or pattern
eccentricity: oddity; departure from that which is stated, regular, or usual; deviation from center
echo: sound reflected from an opposing surface and repeated to the ear; repetition of a sound
eclipse: darken; exceed in importance; outweigh
ecology: science of the relationships between organisms and their environments
economic: pertaining to economy; frugal; cheap
economical: thrifty; saving; using the minimum of time or resources necessary for effectiveness
economics: branch
of social science that deals with the production and distribution and
consumption of goods and services and their management
economize: save money or resource; cut back; be thrifty
economy: efficient use of resources; reduction in cost; specific type of economic system
ecstasy: intense joy or delight; any overpowering emotion
edge: brink; perimeter; margin
edit: revise and prepare for publication; select, correct, arrange matter of, for publication
edition: whole number of copies of a work printed and published; single copy; act of editing
editorial: of or pertaining to an editor; written or sanctioned by an editor
education: act or process of educating; the result of educating
effective: efficient; productive; producing a strong impression or response
effectiveness: efficiency; quality of being effective
efficiency: effectiveness; quality or property of being efficient; ratio of useful output to the total input in any system
efficient: effective; acting directly to produce an effect; exhibiting a high ratio of output to input
effort: exertion of strength or power, whether physical or mental, in performing an act or aiming at an object
eject: put out or expel from a place; discharge
elaborate: marked by complexity and richness of detail; done with care and in minute detail
elaboration: production by gradual process; act of working out with great care in detail
elapse: slip or glide away; pass away silently
elastic: springing back; having the power of rebounding; able to return quickly to a former state or condition
elasticity: tendency of a body to return to its original shape after it has been stretched or compressed
elbow: hinge joint between the forearm and upper arm
election: voting; balloting; right or ability to make a choice
electrical: pertaining to electricity; electric
electrician: one whose occupation is the installation, maintenance, repair, or operation of electric equipment and circuitry
electron: elementary particle with negative charge
electronic: of or pertaining to an electron or electrons.
electronics: branch of physics that deals with the behavior of electrons; electronic devices
elegance: refined quality of gracefulness and good taste
elegant: refined and tasteful in appearance or behavior or style
element: fundamental or essential constituent of a composite entity; basic assumptions or principles of a subject
elementary: basic; fundamental
elevate: raise; give a promotion to or assign to a higher position
elevation: altitude; height
elevator: lifting device consisting of a platform or cage
eliminate: eradicate; abolish; rule out
elimination: act of removing or getting rid of something
ellipsis: omission of words from text; mark or series of marks used in writing to indicate omission
elliptical: rounded like an egg; in a shape reminding of an ellipse; oval
eloquence: powerful and effective language; persuasive speech
eloquent: vividly or movingly expressive; persuasive
elusive: difficult to describe; difficult to detect or grasp by mind
emancipate: free from bondage, oppression, or restraint; liberate
emancipation: freeing someone from the control of another
embargo: ban on commerce or other activity
embark: commence; go on board a boat or airplane; begin a journey
embarrass: humiliate; shame; cause to feel self-conscious or ill at ease; disconcert
embassy: diplomatic building where ambassadors live or work; diplomatic representatives headed by an ambassador
embody: give a bodily form to; represent in bodily or material form; incorporate
embrace: hug; adopt or espouse; accept readily; hold close with the arms, usually as an expression of affection
embroider: decorate with needlework; add details to
embroidery: elaboration by the use of decorative detail; ornamentation of fabric with needlework
emerge: come into prominence; spring up; appear
emergency: sudden unforeseen crisis; condition of urgent need for action or assistance
emigrant: someone who leaves one country to settle in another
emigrate: remove from one country or State to another, for the purpose of residence; migrate from home
eminent: standing out above other things; high in rank, office, or worth
emission: radiation; discharge; act of emitting
emit: give off; send out; give out as sound
emotion: feeling; mood; state of mental agitation or disturbance
emotional: sentimental; passionate; excitable; easily moved
emphasis: special attention or effort directed toward something; stress
emphasize: stress; underscore; utter or pronounce with a particular stress of voice
empirical: derived from experiment and observation rather than theory
employ: engage the services of; put to work; apply
employee: worker; person who works for another in return for financial or other compensation
employer: a person or firm that employs workers
employment: act of employing or using
empty: containing nothing; not holding or having anything within; void of contents or appropriate contents
enable: supply with the means, knowledge, or opportunity; make able; make feasible or possible
enchant: charm by sorcery; get control of by magical words and rites
encircle: form a circle about; inclose within a circle or ring; surround
enclose: include; surround on all sides; close in
enclosure: place where animals are kept
encounter: face; confront; meet, especially unexpectedly; come upon
encourage: activate; stimulate
endanger: threaten; jeopardize; do something that may damage it or destroy it
endeavor: attempt by employing effort
endless: without end; having no end or conclusion; perpetual; interminable
endorse: acknowledge by signing a bill, draft, or other instrument
endorsement: act of endorsing; support; formal and explicit approval; signature that validates something
endow: grant; award; give qualities or abilities to
endurance: perseverance; state or fact of persevering; continuing existence
endure: tolerate; carry on through, despite hardships
energetic: active; brisk; vigorous
energy: exertion of force; capacity for work or vigorous activity; usable heat or power
enforce: put force upon; force; constrain; compel; put in motion or action by violence
engage: obtain for services of; arrange for the use of; pledge or promise, especially to marry
engagement: act of engaging, pledging, enlisting, occupying, or entering into contest; state of being in gear
engrave: carve or cut into a block or surface, as used for printing; impress deeply as if by carving
engraving: practice of incising a design onto a hard, flat surface, by cutting grooves into it
engulf: absorb or swallow up as in a gulf; flow over or cover completely
enhance: make better or more attractive; increase; improve
enhancement: act of increasing, or state of being increased; augmentation; aggravation
enlighten: supply with light; illuminate, as the sun enlightens the earth; make clear to the intellect or conscience
enormous: very great in size, extent, number, or degrees; huge; massive
enquire: seek information by asking a question
enquiry: search for knowledge
enrich: make rich; richen; improve
enroll: insert in a roil; register or enter in list or catalogue; insert in records; enlist
enrolment: act of enrolling; specifically, the registering, recording, or entering
ensure: make sure or certain; insure; assure
entail: imply or require; cause to ensue or accrue; cut or carve in ornamental way
enterprise: company; firm; organization created for business ventures
entertain: amuse; host
entertainment: amusement; fun
enthusiasm: great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause; feeling of excitement
enthusiastic: having or showing great excitement and interest
entitle: give right to; authorize; furnish with a right or claim to something; designate; give title to
entrance: fill with delight or wonder; put into a trance; attract
entreat: plead; make earnest request of; ask for earnestly
entrust: give over something to another for care, protection, or performance; give as a trust to someone;
entry: admission; entrance; item inserted in a written record
enumerate: list each one; mention one by one
envelop: enclose or encase completely with or as if with a covering
environment: surroundings; totality of surrounding conditions
envy: malice; ill will; discontent or uneasiness at another's excellence or good fortune, accompanied with hatred
epidemic: outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely; widely prevalent
episode: a brief section of a literary or dramatic work that forms part of a connected series
epoch: particular period of history, especially one considered remarkable
equal: having the same quantity, measure, or value as another; identical
equality: state or quality of being equal
equation: making equal; equal division; equality; equilibrium
equator: the
imaginary great circle on the earth's surface, everywhere equally
distant from the two poles, and dividing the earth's surface into two
equilibrium: mental or emotional balance; state of balance of any causes, powers, or motives
equip: supply with necessities such as tools or provisions; furnish with the qualities necessary for performance
equipment: apparatus
equivalent: interchangeable; comparable; equal, as in value, force, or meaning
eradicate: completely destroy; eliminate; exterminate
erase: rub letters or characters written, engraved, or painted
erect: construct; stand; set up
erosion: corrosion; a gradual decline of something
errand: short trip taken to perform a specified task; mission; embassy
erupt: explode; burst out; become violently active
eruption: outbreak; sudden, often violent outburst
escalator: stairway whose steps move continuously on a circulating belt
escape: act of fleeing from danger, of evading harm, or of avoiding notice; deliverance from injury or any evil
escort: one who conducts someone as attendant; guard; protection, care, or safeguard on a journey
essay: effort made for performance of anything; short literary composition on a single subject
essence: most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience
essential: necessary; critical; vital; constituting or being part of the essence of something
establish: set up or found; build
establishment: act of establishing; ratifying or ordaining; settlement; arranged order or system, especially a legal code
estate: extensive landed property; everything you own; all of your assets
esteem: regard with respect; favorable regard
estimate: judge to be probable; form an opinion about; evaluate
eternal: forever; being without beginning or end; existing outside of time; infinite
evaluate: judge; examine and judge carefully; appraise
evaporate: vaporize; disappear; change into a vapor
evaporation: process of extracting moisture
eventful: busy; momentous; full of events or incidents
eventually: ultimately; in the final result or issue; in the end
everlasting: continuing forever or indefinitely
evidence: something which makes evident or manifest; any mode of proof
evident: easily seen or understood; obvious; apparent; clear
evolution: development; progression
evolve: develop; grow
exact: precisely agreeing with standard, fact, or truth; perfectly conforming
exaggerate: represent as greater than is actually the case; overstate; magnify; do something to an excessive degree
exaggeration: overstatement; act of making something more noticeable than usual
exalt: raise in rank or dignity; praise
exalted: superior; elevated in rank, character, or status; of high moral or intellectual value
exasperate: make worse; irritate; make very angry or impatient; annoy greatly
exceed: go beyond; be or do something to a greater degree
exceedingly: in a very great degree; beyond what is usual; surpassingly
excel: be superior; distinguish oneself
excellent: surpassing others in some good quality or the sum of qualities; of great worth; eminent, in a good sense
exception: instance that does not conform to a rule
exceptional: extraordinary; unusual; well above average
excess: amount or quantity beyond what is normal or sufficient; surplus
excessive: extreme; inordinate; too much
exchange: substitute; trade in; give in return for something received
excite: arouse
excitement: state of being emotionally aroused
exciting: creating or producing excitement
exclaim: cry out suddenly, as from surprise or emotion
exclude: leave out of; keep out of; reject
exclusion: rejection; act of excluding or shutting out
exclusive: not divided or shared with others; excluding much or all; not allowing something else
exclusively: without any others being included or involved; purely; strictly
excursion: trip; usually short journey made for pleasure
excuse: free from blame; clear from guilt; release from a charge; forgive entirely
execute: put into effect; carry out the legalities of
execution: accomplishment; putting into practice; putting a person to death
executive: role of government which makes sure that laws are carried out; administrator
exemplify: serve as an example of; embody
exempt: not subject to duty or obligation; not subject to taxation
exert: cause; apply; exercise
exertion: effort; expenditure of much physical work
exhaust: gases ejected from an engine as waste products ; use up the whole supply of
exhausted: depleted; tired
exhaustion: act of draining out or draining off; act of emptying completely of the contents; state of being exhausted or emptied
exhaustive: treating all parts or aspects without omission; comprehensive
exhibit: show, make visible or apparent
exhibition: exposition; presentation; large-scale public showing
exile: force separation from one's native country
exit: passage or way out; act of going away or out
exonerate: acquit; free from blame; discharge from duty
expand: become larger in size or volume; grow stronger; add details
expansion: growth; extent or amount by which something has expanded
expedient: suitable; appropriate to a purpose; serving to promote your interest
expedite: process fast and efficiently; execute quickly and efficiently
expedition: journey organized for a particular purpose
expel: oust; discharge; force or drive out
expend: lay out, apply, or employ in any way; consume by use; use up or distribute, either in payment or in donations; spend
expenditure: payment or expense; output
expert: person with a high degree of skill in or knowledge of a certain subject
expertise: specialized knowledge; expert skill
expiration: act of coming to a close; termination; act of breathing out; exhalation
expire: come to an end; terminate; lose validity; breathe one's last breath; die
explicit: precisely and clearly expressed; definite; outspoken
explode: erupt; blow up; burst violently as a result of internal pressure
exploit: make use of, sometimes unjustly
exploitation: unfair use of someone’s work giving little in return
exploration: travel for the purpose of discovery
explore: investigate systematically; examine; search
explorer: someone who travels into little known regions
explosive: tending or serving to sudden outburst; sudden and loud
export: sell or transfer abroad
expose: set forth; set out to public view
exposition: exhibition; part of a play that provides the background information; opening section of a fugue
exposure: risk, particularly of being exposed to disease; unmasking; act of laying something open
expressive: demonstrative; indicative
expressly: particularly; specifically; in an explicit manner
exquisite: excellent; flawless; acutely perceptive or discriminating
extend: open or straighten something out; unbend; prolong
extension: supplement; act of extending or the condition of being extended
extensive: widespread; far-reaching; wide
extent: extensive space or area; distance or area over which something extends
exterior: outside; external or outward appearance
external: exterior; outer; suitable for application to the outside
extinct: no longer existing or living; vanished; dead
extinction: death of all its remaining members
extinguish: quench; put out, as a light or fire; cause to die out; put an end to; destroy
extra: something additional of the same kind
extract: draw or pull out, usually with some force or effort; remove; get despite difficulties or obstacles
extraordinary: exceptional; remarkable; beyond what is ordinary or usual
extravagant: wandering beyond one's bounds; exceeding due bounds; wild; excessive; unrestrained
extreme: outermost; utmost; farthest; most remote; at the widest limit
eye: small hole or loop; good discernment; organ of vision or of light sensitivity
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