Friday, 6 December 2013

IELTS Academic Word List 16

table: set resolution or proposal for future consideration; hold back to a later time

tablet:  a small flat compressed cake of some substance; a dose of medicine

tack: small, short, sharp-pointed nail, usually having a broad, flat head

tackle: apparatus for raising or lowering heavy weights, consisting of a rope and pulley blocks; act of stopping an opposing player carrying the ball

tact: sense of touch; feeling; stroke in beating time; sensitive mental touch; peculiar skill or faculty

tactics: strategy; policy; plan for attaining a particular goal

tag: attach; append; provide with a name or nickname; label

tailor: one whose occupation is making garments; create clothes with cloth

talent: skill; gift; marked innate ability, as for artistic accomplishment

tally: record by making a mark; reckon or count; keep score

tame: domesticated; very restrained or quiet; make less strong or intense; soften

tan: yellowish-brown color; brown color imparted to the skin by exposure to the sun

tangle: uniting or knitting together confusedly; knot of threads, or other thing, united confusedly, or so interwoven as not to be easily disengaged

tap: draw upon; strike lightly; make good use of

tape: long thin piece of cloth or paper; measuring instrument for length by narrow strip

tar: sailor or seaman; thick, black, viscous liquid obtained by the distillation of wood, coal

target: reference point to shoot at; goal intended to be attained

tariff: tax on goods coming into a country

task: labor or study imposed by another; undertake; labor

taste: have experience or enjoyment; take a sample of; have flavor

taxation: laying a tax, or imposing taxes, as on the subjects of a state, by authority; raising of revenue

team: a number of persons associated together in any work; a flock of wild ducks

teapot: pot for brewing tea; usually has a spout and handle

tear: separate or be separated by force; divide or disrupt; fill with tears or shed tears

tease: tear into pieces; raise the fibers of

technical: having special skill or knowledge; according to principle; formal rather than practical; relating to technique

technician: one skilled particularly in the technical details of work

technique: practical method or art applied to some particular task; skillfulness

technology: application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives

tedious: tiresome by reason of length, slowness, or dullness; progressing very slowly

telegraph: apparatus used to communicate at a distance over a wire

telescope: a magnifier of images of distant objects

telex: communications system consisting of teletypewriters connected to a telephonic network to send and receive signals

temper: moderate; tone down or restrain; bring to a desired consistency; adjust finely

temperature: degree of any quality; condition with respect to heat or cold; degree of heat or cold

temple: church; place of worship

temporary: not permanent; not lasting

tempt: give rise to a desire by being attractive

temptation: act of tempting, or enticing to evil; seduction

tenant: occupant; one that pays rent to use land or building

tend: make a tender of; be disposed or inclined; move or extend in a certain direction

tendency: trend; a general direction in which something tends to move

tender: offer formally; extend; propose a payment

tenor: general, usual, or prevailing course or direction; settled or prevailing or habitual course of a person's life

tense: stretch or force to the limit; tight

tension: action of stretching something tight; anxiety; feelings of hostility

tentative: hesitant; not fully worked out or developed; experimental; not definite or positive

term: limited period of time; point in time at which something ends; termination; deadline

terminal: causing or ending in or approaching death; station

terminate: stop; bring to an end or halt

termination: end of something in time or space; result or outcome; conclusion

terminology: vocabulary of technical terms used in a particular field, subject, science, or art

terrace: row of houses built in a similar style; level shelf of land with steep slopes

terribly: dreadfully; frightfully; to a great extent; very much

terrific: causing extreme terror; very great; extraordinarily good

terrify: frighten; fill with terror

territory: large extent of land; organized portion of country

terror: extreme fear; violent dread; fright

testify: give testimony in a court of law; provide evidence for

testimony: solemn declaration or affirmation; something that serves as evidence

text: written words; book prepared for use in schools or colleges

textile: cloth; fabric

theatrical: of or pertaining to theater, or to scenic representations; resembling manner of dramatic performers; histrionic; artificial

theft: act of taking something from someone unlawfully; stealing

theme: subject of conversation or discussion; topic; essay

theoretical: not practical or applied; hypothetical; of or based on theory

theory: doctrine or scheme of things; general or abstract principles of any science

thereby: thus; accordingly; by that means; because of that

therefore: consequently; hence

thermometer: instrument for measuring temperature

thesis: paper; dissertation; an unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument

thigh: part of the leg between the hip and the knee

thirst: sensation of dryness in the throat

thorn: something that causes irritation; a sharp-pointed tip on a stem or leaf

thorough: accurate or careful; complete

thoughtful: considerate; having intellectual depth; giving close attention

thrash: beat severely; discuss or examine repeatedly; use a machine or flail to separate grain or seeds from straw

thread: a very small twist of flax, wool, cotton, silk, or other fibrous substance; filament, as of a flower, or of any fibrous substance

threaten: pose a threat to; present a danger to

threshold: entrance; starting point for a new state or experience

thrifty: careful about money; economical

thrill: feel sudden intense sensation or emotion; tremble as from fear or excitement

thrive: make steady progress; prosper; flourish

throat: part of neck in front of; passage to stomach and lung

throng: large group of people gathered or crowded closely together

throughout: in every part; in or through all parts; everywhere; during the entire time or extent

thrust: push; force used in pushing ; activity or idea is the main or essential thing it expresses

thumb: short, thick first digit of human hand

thunder: sound which follows flash of lightning; discharge of electricity; loud noise

thunderstorm: storm resulting from strong rising air currents; heavy rain or hail along with thunder and lightning

tick: emit recurring clicking sounds; do well or as designed

tide: periodic rise and fall of the sea level

tidy: being in proper time; timely; arranged in good order; orderly; appropriate; neat; kept in proper

tighten: draw tighter; straiten; make closer in any manner.

tile: flat thin rectangular slab used to cover surfaces; short length of pipe made of clay or concrete, used in sewers and drains

tilt: slight but noticeable partiality; line or surface that departs from the vertical

timber: wood; lumber; trees or wooded land considered as a source of wood

timely: being or occurring in good time; sufficiently early; seasonable

timid: shy; craven; lacking self-confidence; shy

tip: piece or attachment; end of a pointed or projecting object; a V shape ; indication of potential opportunity

tissue: groups of cells that make particular parts of the body; soft thin paper

title: right or claim to possession; mark of rank; name of a book or film

toast: dry and brown by heat of fire; warm thoroughly; drink to the health or in honor

toe: one of digits of the foot; forepart of a foot or hoof

toil: exhausting labor or effort; any thread, web, or string spread for taking prey

token: something intended or supposed to represent or indicate another thing or an event; sign or symbol; memorial of friendship

tolerable: capable of being borne or endured; supportable, either physically or mentally.

tolerance: capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others; capacity to endure hardship or pain

tolerant: showing respect for the rights of others; open-minded; showing capacity for endurance

tolerate: endure; withstand; allow without prohibiting or opposing; permit

toll: take away; vacate; annul; entice; allure; cause to sound, as a bell, with strokes slowly and uniformly repeated; call, summon, or notify

tongue: organ situated in floor of mouth; speech; language; clapper of bell

topic: subject of a speech, essay, thesis, discussion, or conversation

torch: large candle or lamp giving flaring flame; flashlight

torrent: rushing stream; flood; heavy downpour

torture: extreme pain; anguish of body or mind

toss: throw carelessly; throw to see which side comes up; move or stir about violently

tough: hard; difficult; feeling physical discomfort or pain; hard to bear

tourism: practice of traveling for pleasure; business of providing tours and services for tourists

tow: draw or pull behind by a chain or line

towel: rectangular cloth or paper for drying or wiping

tower: building or part of a building that is exceptionally high in proportion to its width and length; tall, slender structure used for observation, signaling, or pumping

trace: follow, discover; make a mark or lines on a surface

track: road or path affording passage; line or route along which something moves

tractor: a truck that has a cab but no body

tradition: thought or behavior followed from generation to generation; heritage

tragedy: disaster; event resulting in great loss and misfortune

trail: path or track roughly through wild or hilly country; overland route

traitor: one who violates his allegiance and betrays his country

tramp: travel or wander through; cleanse clothes in water

trample: destroy; step on

tranquil: free from disturbance; pacific

transaction: deal; communication involving two or more people that affects all those involved

transfer: shifting; conveyance or removal of something from one place, person, or thing to another

transform: change in outward structure or looks; convert

transformation: change in form , appearance, nature, disposition, condition, or the like

transistor: small electronic device containing a semiconductor and having at least three electrical contacts

transit: act of passing; passage through or over; line or route of passage

transition: going from one state of action to another

transmission: act of transmitting; automotive assembly of gears; sending of a signal

transmit: forward; send from one person or place to another

transparent: easily detected; permitting light to pass through freely

transplant: act of uprooting and moving a plant to a new location

transport: carry from one place to another; carry away; deport

trap: catch; hold or catch as if in a hole

traverse: go through or across, often under difficult conditions

tray: an open receptacle for holding or displaying or serving articles or food

tread: step on; mate with; place the foot

treason: disloyalty; betrayal of trust or confidence

treatment: handling; care that are intended to relieve illness or injury

treaty: act of treating for the adjustment of differences; negotiation

tremble: shake involuntarily, as with fear, cold, or weakness; quake; quiver; shiver; shudder

tremendous: huge; capable of making one tremble; terrible

trench: canal; deep furrow or ditch; long, steep-sided valley on the ocean floor

trend: popular taste; general direction in which something tends to move

trial: experiment; act of testing; examination of evidence to determine the charges or claims

tribe: family, race, or series of generations, descending from the same direct ancestor, and kept distinct

tribute: payment in money made by one ruler or nation; tax; mark of respect; praiseworthy quality

trick: cunning or deceitful activity; attempt to get others to do something foolish

trickle: flow in drops; run or flow slowly; drip

trifle: a thing of very little value or importance

trigger: cause something happen; set off

trim: clip; cut down to the desired size or shape

triple: consisting of three united; multiplied by three; threefold; three times repeated

triumph: victory; win; expressing great joy

trivial: unimportant; of little significance or value; ordinary; commonplace

tropic: one of the two small circles of the celestial sphere, situated on each side of the equator, and parallel to it, which the sun just reaches at its greatest declination north or south; region lying between these parallels of latitude

tropical: relating to region on either side of the equator; hot and humid

troublesome: annoying; bothersome

trumpet: brass musical instrument with brilliant tone

trunk: stem, or body, of a tree; main stem, without the branches; body of animal apart from the head and limbs

tub: a large open vessel for holding or storing liquids

tube: hollow cylindrical shape; underground railway

tuck: make one or more folds in; store in a safe spot; put in a snug spot

tug: pull or draw with great effort; draw along with continued exertion; haul along; tow

tuition: teaching pupils individually; fee for instruction, especially at a formal institution of learning

tumble: fall down, as if collapsing

tumult: noise, as made by a crowd; riot or uprising

tunnel: passageway through or under something, usually underground

turbulent: characterized by unrest or disorder

turnover: act or result of turning over; upset; abrupt change; number of workers hired by an establishment to replace those who have left in a given period of time

tutor: guide; give individual instruction

twig: small branch or division of a branch

twilight: light perceived before the rising, and after the setting, of the sun; faint light; dubious or uncertain medium through which anything is viewed

twinkle: open and shut the eye rapidly; blink; wink

twist: turn in the opposite direction; form into a spiral shape

typhoon: tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific; violent whirlwind

typical: conforming to a type; representative

tyranny: oppression; cruel government; office or authority of an absolute ruler; absolute power

tyrant: absolute ruler; sovereign unrestrained by law or constitution

tyre:  tire; covering for a wheel, usually made of rubber reinforced with cords of nylon

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