mackintosh: waterproof long coat made of rubberized cloth
magic: any art that invokes supernatural powers
magician: one who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience; sorcerer; wizard
magistrate: civil officer with power to administer and enforce law
magnetic: having the properties of attracting iron or steel; captivating; attractive; being to draw or pull
magnetism: attraction for iron; associated with electric currents as well as magnets
magnificent: grand or noble in thought or deed; outstanding of its kind
magnify: intensify; increase; make greater in size; enlarge
magnitude: extent; greatness of rank, size, or position
maintain: keep in any particular state or condition; keep up or carry on; continue
maintenance: preservation; support; continuance; court-ordered support paid by one spouse to another
maize: tall annual cereal grass bearing kernels on large ears
majesty: nobility; greatness and dignity of a sovereign; royal personage
major: greater in number, quantity, or extent; more important
majority: greater number or part; a number more than half of the total
malady: disease, disorder, or ailment; unwholesome condition
malaise: general sense of depression or unease; vague feeling of bodily discomfort, as at beginning of illness
malice: enmity of heart; malevolence; ill will; spirit delighting in harm or misfortune to another
malicious: deliberately harmful; spiteful; proceeding from extreme hatred
manifest: clearly apparent to understanding; obvious
manifestation: revelation; indication of the existence, reality, or presence of something
manifesto: public declaration of principles; statement of policy
manipulate: operate with one's hands; control or play upon people, forces artfully
mansion: dwelling-house of the better class; a large or stately residence
manual: guide book; hand-operated
manufacture: make products by hand or machinery; make from raw materials
manuscript: written with or by the hand; not printed; literary or musical composition written with the hand
map: depict as if on a map; plan or delineate, especially in detail; arrange
maple: tree of the genus Acer, including about fifty species
marble: hard crystalline metamorphic rock that takes a high polish
march: walking with regular steps; a procession of people walking together; steady advance
margin: border; rim; room
marginal: of or pertaining to a margin; written or printed in the margin
marine: sea-dwelling; maritime; naval
mariner: one whose occupation is to assist in navigating ships; seaman or sailor
marked: noticeable or pronounced; having one or more distinguishing marks
marsh: swamp; bog; low lying wet land with grassy vegetation
marshal: put in order; arrange or place something in line
martyr: one who makes great sacrifices or suffers to further belief or principle; one who endures great suffering
marvel: wonder; strong surprise; astonishment
masculine: of the male sex; not female; having the qualities of a man
mask: try to conceal something; disguise; hide under a false appearance
massacre: killing of a considerable number of human beings under circumstances of atrocity or cruelty
massive: enormous; colossal; consisting of great mass; containing a great quantity of matter
mast: fruit
of the oak and beech, or other forest trees; nuts; acorns; a pole, or
long, strong, round piece of timber, or spar, set upright in a boat or
vessel, to sustain the sails, yards, rigging
masterpiece: chief excellence or great talent; outstanding work of art or craft
match: something that resembles or harmonizes with
mate: a fellow member of a team
material: of, relating to, or composed of matter; concerned with physical, not from intellectual or spiritual
materialism: philosophical theory that matter is the only reality
mathematics: science dealing with the logic of quantity and shape
mattress: quilted bed; bed stuffed with hair, moss, or other suitable material, and quilted or otherwise fastened
mature: develop and reach maturity; grow old or older
maturity: state or quality of being mature; ripeness; full development; arrival of the time fixed for payment
maximum: the largest possible quantity
meadow: tract of low or level land producing grass; any field on which grass is grown for hay
measure: determine the size of something; mark, lay out, or establish dimensions; estimate by evaluation or comparison
mechanical: automatic; monotonous; relating to or governed by or in accordance with mechanics
mechanics: branch of physics concerned with the motion of bodies
mechanism: device; machine; the technical aspects of doing something
medal: a piece of metal in form of coin, and intended to preserve remembrance of notable event or person, or to serve as a reward
medieval: very old-fashioned; as if belonging to the Middle Ages
meditate: dwell on anything in thought; think seriously; keep the mind fixed upon; purpose; intend
meditation: lengthy intent consideration; long and thoughtful observation; contemplation of spiritual matters
medium: state that is intermediate between extremes
meek: quiet and obedient; showing patience and humility
melancholy: gloomy; feeling of thoughtful sadness; affected by depression
melody: tune; pleasing succession or arrangement of sounds; poem suitable for setting to music or singing
melon: juicy fruit of certain cucurbitaceous plants, as the muskmelon, watermelon; plant that produces the fruit juicy
melt: changed from a solid to a liquid state especially by the application of heat
memo: short note; memorandum; written proposal or reminder
memorial: monument; short note or abstract, intended for registry, exhibiting the particulars of a deed
memorize: commemorate; commit to memory; learn by heart
memory: faculty of mind by which it retains the knowledge of previous thoughts, impressions, or events
menace: danger; a threat or the act of threatening; something that is a source of danger; threaten; intimidate
mend: make repairs or restoration to; fix; improve
mental: involving mind or intellectual process; affected by disorder of mind
mentality: mental action or power; intellectual activity; intellectuality
mention: speak or notice of anything, usually in a brief or cursory manner
menu: an agenda of things to do
mercantile: trading; commercial; of or relating to trade or traders
merchandise: objects for sale; goods
merchant: one who traffics on a large scale, especially with foreign countries; trafficker; trader
mercy: compassionate treatment of unfortunate and helpless; willingness to spare or to help; disposition to be kind
mere: being nothing more than what is specified; considered apart from anything else; small; slight
merge: combine; unite
merit: virtue; admirable quality or attribute; credit
mermaid: legendary sea creature having the head and upper body of a woman and the tail of a fish
mesh: opening or space inclosed by the threads of a net between knot and knot; network or net
mess: soft semi liquid food; a quantity of food set on a table at one time; provision of food for one meal
metallic: of or pertaining to metal; of metal nature; resembling metal
method: orderly procedure or process; regular manner of doing anything
methodology: system of methods followed in a particular discipline
meticulous: excessively careful; marked by extreme care in treatment of details
metric: relating to measurement; involving, or proceeding by measurement.
metropolitan: city center; one who lives in a city center
microscope: magnifier of the image of small objects
microwave: a short electromagnetic wave; cook or heat in a microwave oven
mighty: having or showing great strength or force or intensity
migrant: habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work; wandering
migrate: move from one country or region to another and settle there
migration: movement of persons from one country or locality to another
milestone: landmark; significant development
military: pertaining to soldiers, to arms, or to war; of whole body of soldiers
milk: white fluid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals for the nourishment of their young
miller: one who keeps or attends a flour mill or gristmill; milling machine
millionaire: one whose material wealth is valued at more than a million dollars
mince: cut into very small pieces; chop fine; suppress or weaken the force of
mingle: be all mixed up or jumbled together;
miniature: very small; model that represents something in a greatly reduced size
minimize: diminish; belittle; make small or insignificant
minimum: the smallest possible quantity
minister: one who performs service for another; officer of justice; executive head of a government department
ministry: act of serving; government department, at the administrative level normally headed by a minister
minor: of lesser importance or stature or rank; not of legal age; limited in size or scope
minority: a group of people who differ racially or politically from a larger group
minus: less; requiring to be subtracted; negative
minute: extremely small; short note
miracle: wonderful thing; something that excites admiration or astonishment
miraculous: astonishing; amazing
miscarriage: failure of administration or management; failure to attain a desired result or reach a destination
mischief: behavior that causes discomfiture or annoyance in another; tendency to play pranks or cause embarrassment
miserable: very unhappy; full of misery; wretched
misery: great unhappiness; extreme pain of body or mind
misfortune: bad fortune or ill luck; bad luck
misgiving: feeling of doubt, distrust, or apprehension
mishap: unfortunate accident; bad luck
mislead: deceive; misguide
missile: weapon that is thrown or projected; rocket carrying instruments or warhead
mission: assignment that is given to a person or group; operation that is assigned by a higher headquarters; job; task
mist: visible watery vapor suspended in atmosphere, at or near the surface of the earth; fog
moan: a low prolonged sound of grief or pain, whether articulate or not; groan softly and continuously
mobile: movable; not fixed; fluid; unstable
mobilize: assemble, prepare, or put into operation for or as if for war; make mobile or capable of movement
mock: treat with ridicule or contempt; mimic; frustrate hopes of
mode: prevailing style; manner; way of doing something; fashion or style
moderate: temperate; gentle; mild; make less fast or intense ; preside over
modest: humble; less ambitious; moderate
modification: act of modifying, or state of being modified; modified form or condition; a change
modify: alter; change
modulate: tone down in intensity; regulate; change from one key to another
module: standard or unit of measurement; self-contained component of a system; unit of education covering a single topic
moist: slightly wet; damp or humid
moisture: wetness caused by water
molecular: of molecules; relating to simple or basic structure or form
molecule: the smallest particle of substance, having all the properties of that substance
momentary: done in a moment; continuing only a moment; lasting a very short time
momentous: very important; of outstanding significance or consequence
monarch: king; sole and absolute ruler; sovereign, such as a king or empress
monastery: house of religious retirement, or of seclusion from ordinary temporal concerns, especially for monks
monetary: of or relating to money; nation's currency; financial
monitor: observe; watch; keep an eye on
monopolize: dominate; occupy; have and control fully and exclusively
monopoly: exclusive control or possession of something; domination
monotonous: boring; dull; tediously repetitious or lacking in variety
monotony: uniformity or lack of variation; continual increase, or continual decrease; tedium as a result of repetition
monster: beast; ugly creature; someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful
monstrous: marvelous; strange; extraordinary on account of ugliness, viciousness, or wickedness
monument: structure erected to commemorate persons or events; memorial
monumental: massive; taking a great amount of time and effort to complete; in manner of a monument
moor: dark-colored person generally; broad area of open land, often high but poorly drained
morale: confidence; mood or spirit of a group that makes the members wants the group to succeed
morality: set of social rules, customs, traditions, beliefs, or practices which specify proper, acceptable forms of conduct
moreover: beyond what has been said; further; besides; in addition; furthermore; also; likewise
mortal: man, human being; liable or subject to death; accompanying death
motel: motor hotel; lodging rooms adjacent to a parking lot
motion: movement; act of changing location; ability or power to move
motionless: at rest, stationary, immobile, not moving
motivate: stimulate; impel; provide with an incentive; move to action
motivation: incentive; psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal
motive: emotion, desire, physiological need; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior
motto: short, suggestive expression of a guiding principle; maxim
mould: crumbling, soft, friable earth; soil
mount: go up or advance; fix onto a backing; put up or launch
mourn: express or to feel grief or sorrow; grieve; be sorrowful
mournful: feeling or expressing sorrow or grief; sad; gloomy
mourning: expression of deep sorrow because someone has died
moustache: hair growing on the human upper lip, especially when cultivated and groomed
mouth: opening through which an animal receives food; aperture between jaws or between lips
movement: act of moving; change of place or posture; transference, by any means, from one situation to another
muffle: bare end of nose between nostrils
muffler: heavy scarf worn around the neck for warmth; anything used in muffling; part of the exhaust pipe of a car that dampens the noise
multiple: having, or consisting of more than one part; many
multiply: proliferate; increase; combine by multiplication
multitude: a great number; many
municipal: metropolitan; civic; having local self-government
murmur: make low, confused, and indistinct sound, like that of running water
muscular: having or suggesting great physical power; of or relating to or consisting of muscle
muse: be absorbed in one's thoughts; consider or say thoughtfully
mushroom: multiply, grow, or expand rapidly
mute: refraining from producing speech or vocal sound; unable to speak; expressed without speech; unspoken
mutton: sheep; flesh of a sheep; loose woman; prostitute
mutual: common to or shared by two or more parties; shared
myriad: of very large or indefinite number; of ten thousand
mysterious: beyond ordinary understanding
myth: legend; fable; a traditional story accepted as history
mythology: study of myths; collection of myths
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